Virtual Fundraising: The New Way for Schools and Groups to Raise Funds

In the good old days, catalogs and paper form ordering were the go-to for fundraising. Participants would go door-to-door or call up their relatives on the phone and ask them to purchase products from their fundraising catalog. But! Technology has blasted the fundraising industry forward into the digital world and we are happy to be here! Fundraising has a new edge and Charleston Wrap® is taking advantage. From online ordering, to social media & TEXT sharing, to convenient home delivery - we have the tools to make the sale easy for you and your supporters (and more profitable, too!)

We'd like to introduce you to this easy-as-pie virtual fundraising program and give you a glimpse into the "digital marketing verse" where promotion of your fundraiser happens with the click of a button.

In Fall 2020, no one really knew what to expect, so we prepared ourselves for whatever the case may be. What we found was not only that 85% of our sales were placed online, but that organizations INCREASED their sale! And all without having to deal with money collection or a product delivery.  With the use of our virtual fundraising marketing materials and promotional tools, fundraising has never been easier for sponsors. 

How Virtual Fundraising Works

Step 1: Kick-off your fundraiser using our user-friendly instructions and promotional tools. Participants share their fundraising link with family and friends via TEXT, email, and social media. 

Step 2: Track your fundraiser's progress online using your organization's Sponsor Portal and continue promoting your virtual fundraiser using our easy digital tools and helpful resources.

Step 3: Collect your profit check!

No matter the reason you’re raising funds, the process is simple when you're raising funds virtually. Whether your group is meeting on Zoom or in person, or whether your students are in the classroom or continuing to operate remotely, Charleston Wrap® has your fundraising needs covered. With our flexible and contact-free fundraising options, your school, church group, PTO, PTA, or sports team can raise the money that you need while keeping your participants and supporters safe.

Our Virtual Fundraising Tools

  • Virtual Kick-Off Tools and Promotional Resources
    • Shareable Kick-off Video about how easy it is to support your fundraising campaign.
    • Social media image bank and email templates to easily spread the word.
    • With the click of a button, it's easy for participants to share your fundraising link with family & family using our TEXT and social media sharing tools.
  • 100% Online Ordering and Payment Options
    • Supporters shop online from over 2,500 gift items. View our Online Demo Store!
    • 100% contact-free transaction via credit card, Apple Pay, or PayPal.
  • Incentives for Participants to Motivate Higher Sales and Profits
    • Student Incentives.
    • Parent Incentives geared towards keeping some of your most valuable supporters engaged and motivated during the virtual fundraiser.
  • 100% Contact-Free Home Delivery Options
    • There's nothing easier than home delivery! No sorting, no handling of packages or orders.
  • Easy Mobile Dashboard
    • Raise funds at the touch of a button!
    • Manage your fundraiser's progress with the click of a button on your mobile device.
    • View reporting 24/7 and instantly invite supporters to help your cause.

With all these helpful tools readily available to assist you, your school or team's fundraiser is guaranteed to be a success! Charleston Wrap® is so excited to assist you in reaching your goals. Contact us today and let us help customize your organization's virtual fundraiser.

